Monday 9 September 2013

Thai Boxing Linament (Thai Oil / Thai Cream)

The Application of Namman Muay Thai Boxing Liniment or Oil.

Boxing oil or liniment is for the sportsman who needs extra help in keeping his body in tip top condition both before and after exercise. This pleasant smelling liniment provides quick and soothing relief for joint and muscle aches and is also effective in relieving pain attributed to overexertion, back pain, stiffness arthritis and the usual strains & sprains.

Its real secret power is realised when the liniment is used as the lubricant for the prefight massage often associated with full contact martial arts. Thai oil quickly warms up large muscle groups, loosens stiff joints and relieves tension in the shoulder and neck.

Thai Oil or liniment has been used in Thailand for generations and although predominately associated with Muay Thai Boxing it’s now widely used by athletes around the world.

It has even been suggested that the oil containing amongst other ingredients Methyl Salicylate can actually aid performance in the ring. Methyl Salicylate is a natural product derived from the wintergreen plant an evergreen shrub.

The oil possess a deep penetration formula that is easily absorbed by the skin. It works by acting as a mild irritant to the skin increasing the blood flow to the region and also the muscles located below the skin area. The pleasant menthol aroma opens up the nasal passage allowing easier breathing resulting ultimately in better oxygen absorption – essential for those about to take on strenuous activity.

To apply the oil, firstly ask your partner to lie down on a massage table, if not available use the floor and ensure that they lie on a towel to prevent the liniment seeping onto other surfaces. Apply a good tablespoon measure of Thai Oil to the back of your partners and the hands of the masseuse, don’t scrimp at this point. Working from the neck down lightly work the surplus oil around the fighter until the back and shoulders are covered. Repeat this process for each arm and both legs before returning back to the neck.

Unlike normal massages where relaxation is paramount a prefight massage should stimulate the muscle groups and energise the fighter with a more rapid dynamic massage firstly concentrated on the areas that will be shortly working hard during and secondly the areas likely to face trauma during the fight.

Thai liniment is very affective at numbing pain associated with muscle trauma including twisted ankles and bruising, to treat these areas again don’t scrimp on the measures, cover the affected areas and massage deeply. You will feel a cooling sensation followed by heat. Repeat the process as and when required.

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