Thursday 12 September 2013

Sealing the ring.

Sealing of the ring is a ceremony performed by the fighter once entered the ring and while still wearing his ceremonial Monkol and Muay Thai Boxing robe.

Thais believe that the ring contains a spiritual guardian who protects the fighters during the fight, fighters also believe that evil spirits and spells cast by members of the audience can also affect the outcome of the fight by affecting the judgments of the guardian. By sealing the ring the fighters are banishing the evil spirits and allowing the guardian to protect the competitors during the bout.

On approaching the the ring the fighter will climb onto the outside lip of the ring lower his head and bring his hands up to his head (hands together) offering a prayer. He will then lower his hands three times in a almost brushing motion onto the top rope returning to the prayer position each time.

He will then enter over the top rope, this is very important because you wouldn't want the most sacred part of your body to pass under anything.  Once in the ring the fighter should turn and face his corner, head bowing down and hands together he would offer a prayer to the guardian and ask for protection. He will then touch the corner three times at different heights lowest first and highest last with the final touch rising into the air. That is one corner sealed.

He will then put his right hand on the top rope and left hand high on his temple so he dosent gaze at the guardian or his opponent. Next he will walk anti clockwise around the ring sweeping with his lead foot with every step to brush the evil spirits out of the ring. He will repeat the bowing at each corner until he returns back to the start.

With the evil spirits banished and the guardian of the ring able to do his job, the fighter will then continue with the rituals and perform the Waikru (bow to the teacher) and Ram Muay (Boxing Dance) before the fight starts.

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