Saturday 28 December 2013

Why kids should do Martial Arts

In our day and age everything seems to promote violence. Music contains aggressive lyrics, video games allow you to kill, steal or maime, and the news is all negative and almost depressing as we reminisce about the 'good ole days' when we were growing up. 
With all this going on the thought of getting your kids involved in Martial Arts doesn't seem like the best idea at first. You may be surprised to learn that enrolling into a martial arts dojo / gym is REALLY beneficial to kids. The movies, game manufacturers have got it wrong - martial arts is not about going around punching and kicking everything that moves.
In fact, here are a few reasons why kids should be doing Martial Arts…
  1. Nurturing Self-Dicipline. All martial arts have a grounding in self discipline. Kids today get rewards for almost everything and while this works very well lessons in self-restraint and personal discipline aren't easily to learn. Kids doing Martial Arts are taught this discipline at every lesson. After all - punching or kicking someone just because you disagree is totally unacceptable.
  2. Enhancing social skills - the fact is we as parents keep our kids on tighter leashes than we were given as parents, the press paint a very constant and negative picture of the dangers that may be out there. socialising is left for school or social media. Martial Arts clubs allow kids to make new friends, friends with a common interest. Most Martial Arts training is completed with friends in a partner-driven formal. It also promotes camaraderie and teamwork.
  3. Getting the little ones off the computer is a great idea in theory, but there only so much that you can do. Enrolling your kids into an Art that is physically demanding and fun will keep your kids healthy and give them the right foundations to take into adulthood. 
  4. Setting and achieving goals - Most Martial Arts systems are based on a syllabus with periodic examinations called gradings. When your kids are selected to take a grading examination and then pass the sense of achievement is very hard to beat. This teaches them a valuable lesson about setting and reaching intermediate goals.
  5. Improved Self Esteem - Confidence comes with achievement, every new friend they make, every new technique they learn, every grade they pass, every competition they take part in helps to increase your kids confidence. Kids with a low self esteem often grow in confidence in short periods of time.
  6. Respect - Something that is missing in modern life, respect is achieved through Martial Arts training, the arena that you train is steeped in tradition. It will be taught through repetition and will automatically be carried forward into everyday life.
  7. Conflict Resolution - By teaching kids self defence through Martial Arts training they will also be taught that conflict is the last option. Frequent training teaches kids that they have no need to prove themselves on the playground and respect for others is more important than caving there skulls in. It also gives them the ability to defend against an aggressor as a last resort.
  8. Better Listening Skills – In order to master the skills kids are being taught through the grading syllabus, your child will have to listen. combining verbal instruction with physical moves is a proven way of promoting better listening skills. The instructors can see what children are not processing information correctly because it will be obvious in the techniques performed they can then spend extra time on the kids ensuring that listening objectives are met.
  9. Improvement in Other Areas of Life – The benefits of martial arts training don’t end in the gym. The boost in confidence, increased fitness level and new cooperation skills will also help your child navigate school life, behaviour will improve at home and generally they have an all-around good influence on you child as he develops into an adult.
  10. Becoming a more considerate person - as they progress thought the grading syllabus children will take on more responsibility in the club, they will be chosen to demonstrate techniques and even given new students to mentor. This again has benefits outside the gym with more consideration being taken at school or at home with siblings.
If you are worried about nurturing the demons within, go and have a look at some of the clubs in your area. Speak with the instructors, other parents and try not to be too dismissive of the arts before you've done some research. You may even find that training is the perfect activity for your entire family to do together!

Saturday 21 December 2013

Guide to being a cornerman

A cornerman's primary responsibility is for the safety of his fighter. The team are also responsible for formulating tactics and contingency plans to be discussed during the break between rounds.
The team usually consisting of three including the coach / instructor will provide any first aid treatment, provide water, wipe sweat from the fighters and apply precautions such as vaseline while the coach or instructor discussed tactics with the fighter.
The corner team will need some equipment - some will be suppplied by the fighter, some will be owned by the club and shared between fighters. 


1. A Tote. Basically a vessel for carrying all your equipment, making it easily accessible.

2. Water/Ice. Water for preventing dehydration, and ice for reducing swelling.

3. Icepack.  They are used to treat swelling and preventing strains and pulls. Ice packs can be purchased online or you can improvise using a plastic bag filled with ice and stuffed into a small pillowcase. 

4. Spit bucket. No one wants spit in the ring!
4. Bruise Iron, stored and chilled with the ice the iron is used to compress areas of swelling.

5. Towel. To clean up sweat, blood, etc.

6. Tape. 1 inch tape will serve you just fine. Again, this is for wrapping hands and can also be used to tape your fighters gloves, shin guards or anything else that may move around during the fight.

7. Cotton Swabs for cuts and nose bleeds.

8. Vaseline. Applied to areas that are likely to be cut like the cheeks, and eye ridges, forehead and bridge of the nose.

9. Scissors.

10. Latex gloves. We don't want to share blood.

11. Stop Watch. The more information you can get on timing of the rounds and how long you have left between rounds the better.

12. Thai Oil / Cream for massaging into areas that have suffered trauma.

13. Spray bottle for cooling down the fighter.

Preparing your fighter..

Once you have wrapped your fighters hands you will need to start the warming up process. Don't leave it too late and don't start off hours before the fight. Start with a little skipping and light shadow boxing.
After several rounds of 3 mins move onto the pads - remember this is a warm up - its easy to get carried away and start showing off to the inevitable audience. do several rounds on the pads methodically working though the different muscle groups. No more than 20 mins.

Once in the ring

Here are some things to keep in mind. K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) Its your job as a cornerman to plan tactics with your fighter. Don't try to explain new techniques to your fighter, this will lead to confusion in the ring.
At this stage your fighter should already be in the zone - meaning he is hyped up and ready to goto work. As a coach its best at this stage to be positive, tell him how confident you are in his abilities.

Follow your strategy and have a contingency ready. Remember. K.I.S.S. when planning - know your fighters limits - tornado kicks look amazing but are hard to land - you are more likely to win the fight by scoring plenty of clean shots.
When the fight has started you and your team will adopt different rolls, the coach will communicate with the fighter, one of your cornermen will watch for any signs of weakness from the other fighter giving the information to the coach so it can be exploited in the next round. 
The other members of the team will watch your own fighter for areas that the other team could exploit - this member will also be timing the round and communicating with the coach.
When back in the corner between rounds :-

1.    The Main Corner Man. (Coach / Instructor) 

Get your fighter to sit on the stool, remove his gum shield and get him to raise his legs to promote good circulation. Make sure he is sat up straight to help breathing. Give him a drink and get him to spit the first couple of gulps to flush out any impurities, you can also see if he is bleeding in his mouth.
Stand in front of the fighter and look him in the eye. Only tell him what he needs to hear (K.I.S.S.) If he's doing well tell him. If he's not doing too well, then tell him that he could do better. Give him simple instructions, Keep your guard up, throw a simple Jab, Cross, Low Kick combination. 
Be confident refresh the strategy, exploit the opponents mistakes and weaknesses.
2.    The Second / Third Cornerman.

Your job is easier, your dealing with the fighter in the physical aspect. Hold the spit bucket close to the fighter, put the icepack on the neck or any other area thats taken a beating.
Get rid of the sweat from the body and apply more vaseline.1. If he is cut apply pressure for the full time you are there. Use some gauze so that any excess blood is contained.
2. Make sure you are wearing gloves for the long term safety of the fighter and yourself.

Repeat for each round...

Thursday 19 December 2013

Get Fit Team

Our Annual Get Fit Team challenge starts on Sunday 5th January 2014.

The challenge is to complete a series of 8 Sunday morning activities that will take place over the first few months of the year.

Each Activity will be repeated several times allowing participants to monitor an improvement in fitness.

An example would be the town park run, where each time you complete it you can increase your reps on each base showing you an improvement.

The cost of the challenge is a one off payment of £20, this includes transport when we are not in Telford.

We will be covering AMRAP, FARTLEK & TABATA training techniques.

If you would like to take part in the challenge you should also think about making some temporary lifestyle changes like stopping drinking / smoking & changing your diet for the duration of the challenge..


Why Sunday Morning?
Sunday morning has been identified as the day of the week that you are most likely to 'cheat' on your new years resolutions.

How hard will it be?
Its about pushing your own limits, it will be as hard as you make it..

What if i can't make every event?
You should try and make each activity so you can monitor progress, however each activity can be completed in your own time. The challenge is about changing your lifestyle and by learning routes in your neighbourhood you will be able to continue your hard work after the challenge has been completed.

How do I pay?
The cost is £20, this can be paid via paypal to or in cash during on the 2nd January.

Can I pay on the day?
NO SORRY, we can't leave cash in the cars / bus and we can't risk carrying around with us during the activity - Paypal is the best option send it to -

Can I join later on in the challenge?
NO SORRY, the challenge is about continuous improvement - beating previous times, reps etc.. If you start half way through you won't have any data to beat..

Can my friends come?
NO SORRY, this is a Telford Thai Boxing club event. Members have already signed a disclaimer for participation in club activities. We can't take the risk. Get them to join the club and they can take part ;-)

NOTE - this challenge is NOT to replace your current training at TTB - its designed to accompany club train

Christmas Opening Times

We will be closing on Thursday 19th December and re-opening on Thursday 2nd January 2014.

We would like to wish everyone a very happy Christmas and New Year. Eat & Drink loads and come back in January ready to work hard and achieve your goals ;-)

Saturday 30 November 2013

The Nerve Of Other Clubs!!

This week we've welcomed more people from other gyms into our fold, the stories they are telling about their old club are shocking!

The club in particular isn't in direct competition and offers a different art. I've never met the instructor and out of respect for him and his students I will never mention him or his club, I know he is successful in his Art and in Business. 

This said It does make you think, how can this person be successful? Why do his students pay more than double what we charge each month? And this in return for only two 45mins classes per week? Why do they pay £200 per year insurance for a family of five? Why do they buy all the uniform upfront? Why don't they realise that being forced to purchase "sparring kit" to take a grading is wrong? And worse still you have to buy from the instructor only!!

Maybe people see the club like the "taste the difference" range at Sainsburys the higher prices the better quality? better tuition? More professional instructors? Well folks a carrot you dress up in fancy packaging is still a carrot! 

Telling your students that they are the worst students in the whole club isn't very proffesional? 10 people in the class's isn't a good sign of quality! Forcing students into competition isn't good for moral,  and over £100 per month on top of membership, joining fees and uniform isn't very good value for money!! 

Look at what you paid for equipment in comparison to sites like - who's having the last laugh? Oh yeah the instructor who walks off half way through your class, turns up late and leaves you to lock up on your own!!!

Monday 18 November 2013

Shin Conditioning In Muay Thai

So we've all seen the youtube clip of a Thai Boxer kicking down a Banana Tree and as practitioners of Muay Thai we wish we could achieve the same level of Shin Conditioning - Agreed?

Shin Conditioning for Muay Thai is surrounded by myth and the topic always generates a lot of scepticism but the truth is there is no magic formula, its not witchcraft it is, along with all fight training hard work and requires determination and commitment.

I've seen many methods over the years and most are barbaric and I would suggest detrimental to the long term health of the boxer. I was taught to roll my shins with eskrima sticks or when they are not available any long smooth pole. I personally don't like this option, the pain is intense and I believe too much pressure by the inexperienced can cause long term damage - I've even seen the skin covering the tibia split.

A common misconception is that you are killing the nerve endings in your legs but the reality is that your pain threshold is gradually getting higher. 

I teach shin conditioning in the context of caring for your shins, as you train you will enevitiby clash shins with a partner or catch the edge of the pads while kicking. This will cause bruising to the shin and may be seen or felt as a lump or indentation. As with all bruising and trauma to the body you have to allow time for the body to heal. The difference with injuries to your shin is that the time it takes is considerably longer - lumps and bumps sometimes remain tender to the touch months.

The easiest and most sensible way to build up resistance in your shins is simply to kick the heavy bags, you have to be methodical in your approach ensuring that you adjust your distance so that the whole of your shin makes contact with he bag.

Initially any bag will be ok, the filling in the bag will settle at the bottom becoming slightly harder - start kicking this part of the bag increasing your kicking power whilst encouraging a low level of pain tolerance. Lighter and fasters is better than belting the bag until your shins bleed. 

Once your tolerance is getting higher and your feeling less of a sensation on your shins your ready to upgrade your bag. A heavy bag filled with silver sand (avail from any builders merchant) is brilliant for topping up your conditioning. As you kick the bag the sand moves absorbing some of the momentum of the kick but as the sand compresses the bag will become very hard.

Repeat your training at least a few times a week, gradually building up the power of your kicks, you will notice a difference in around 2-4wks and the beauty of this method is that all the 'dinks' you've recieved whilst sparring are ironed out leaving nice flat shins..

You can use Namman Muay Oil to assist in the healing process before and after a heavy session of conditioning, liberally applied to the shins it will help to bring out any bruising and numb any residual pain.. Treating your shins with an ice pack along side the oil is also a very good idea! 

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Does Religion Clash With Martial Arts?

I really didn't want to go down this route, mention religion and many people instantly start to get emotional and defensive of their beliefs and faith. It would be very easy here to look at the atrocities caused by religion and faith over the years, dwell on the 100's of millions of deaths caused by religion and dismiss the followers as being gullible. Im not religious, I understand the need for people to have a faith and I respect them for their commitment towards belief.

Belief in a supreme being plays an important role in the life of most human beings. Religious beliefs have been shown to help people who have gone through hardship, the support offered from religious mentors is second to non -  I personally see this as the major roll of the religious establishment "to offer comfort in times of distress"

Like it or not the martial arts is connected to religion by virtues of history. Learning how to fight to protect your religious beliefs was part of daily life, and Martial Arts were the most effective way of learning how to do this. It was crucial in the historical development of many arts, and it continues to dictate the ways in which many students think and act during practice sessions. 

So given that Martial Arts have derived from religion are they connected to religious practices in 2013? Should students be warned that they are entering a religious environment? Is learning to self defence all of a sudden against religious beliefs? Is promoting improved fitness disrespectful to your faith? - in short Martial arts in 2013 are about as connected with religion as christianity is to football. 

This said we can take many things from Martial Arts roots, Taoism advocates living a simple life, the principles of yin and yang and living in harmony with nature can be taken from Chinese & japanese arts. Buddhism can be viewed similarly to Taoism in that it originally consisted of philosophical guidelines - for eliminating suffering, in this case. Specifically, the Buddha taught that suffering is caused by desire and that eliminating desire eliminates suffering. Similar to one of the ten commandments - you shall not covert.. and the Quran passage 60:12 & 5:38 which also addresses desire and its implications.

A modern-day martial artist should know that religious connotations are still present in Martial Arts but while students may appreciate the value of philosophical aspects of arts, they need not practice religious aspects. During our Wai Kru students with other beliefs are permitted to substitute a bow to their own religion or god whenever necessary. This eliminated any potential conflict and offers more potential benefits for the students.

Meditation is often confused with a religious practice, there is a fine line between nonsectarian meditation practice and religious practice. The most commonly encountered method involves partially closing the eyes and monitoring the breath, which are compatible with most religions. However chanting though out meditation had widely been dropped from the arts - Chanting or saying Hindu or Sikh prayers would for example clearly be a violation of Christian, Jewish or Muslim religious beliefs.

So is there a "Spiritual Clash" with training in Martial Arts and practicing religion? - in my opinion absolutely not - How does learning self-defense techniques - how to hit harder or kick faster, make one spiritual? Isn't spirituality the same as self-confidence, empowerment or serenity? For thousands of years people have been trained in the arts to enhance and protect religion often breaching many of the principles of what makes up the fundamentals of religion - "you shall not murder from the 10 commandments" for example.

If you are Jewish, Christian, or Muslim, you should be aware that practicing certain martial arts and their related religious rituals may be considered sacrilegious. Competing in an ring sport may conflict with your views of humanity - But before making decisions that effect the well being and future of your children you should also know that in almost every art, the physical can be separated from the spiritual/cultural religious practices.

As Martial Artists we understand there is no need to risk violating the precepts of your religion for the sake of training or competing. In fact, it's easy to incorporate your beliefs into your martial arts and omit those beliefs that clash with your views.

As the Chinese sage Confucius said thousands of years ago: "Although you may respect spiritual beings, hold them at a distance. This is a part of wisdom."

Monday 21 October 2013

Judging and Scoring - by Tony Myers

Tony Myers is one of the top Muay Thai Referees in the World and an established author - the following blog was written by Tony and is a must read for everyone who is interested in Muay Thai.
It is essential for fighters, coaches and officials to understand how their sport is judged. It would be unthinkable that football players would not have a rudimentary understanding of the rules of football, or were not sure where and how they score. However, this is the case, on occasion, in MuayThai. When refereeing, I have often had blank looks from fighters when warning them not to trip an opponent, grab the ropes or grab the lower spine. I have had anger and disbelief from cornermen when their fighter has been disqualified for using a hip throw and injuring an opponent. There is often real confusion, even amongst those involved in the sport, as to what scores and what doesn’t score in MuayThai. There are a wide range of misconceptions aired by fans, coaches and even some officials regarding scoring. These misconceptions have ranged from “punches don’t score”, “Leg kicks are the most important kicks for scoring”, “throws don’t count”, to “the scoring is the same as international boxing and kickboxing”. All these statements are untrue and highlight the confusion over scoring in MuayThai. So how are MuayThai fights actually scored? What are the fouls? What are the legal techniques? This article attempts to answer these questions.
I will never forget the first time I sat on the wooden bench seats in the humid atmosphere of Bangkok’s Lumpinee Stadium. I was totally mesmerised by the unified chants of fans frantically willing on “their” fighter; this generally meant the one they had placed a bet upon. Having spent a lifetime involved in martial arts, I was enormously impressed with the toughness, speed, balance, agility and skill of the boxers fighting in the ring. However, I was also a little confused at some decisions awarded by the judges that evening. The sport fascinated me but having grown up on a diet of international boxing and Japanese martial arts, the scoring of some of these MuayThai fights baffled me a little. After talking to other European fans of the sport, I soon realised I was not on my own; a number non-Thai spectators didn’t fully understanding how the MuayThai was judged. Since that time I have been lucky enough to have had my own fighters fight at Lumpinee and Radjadamnern stadiums, and have had the chance to have refereed and judged fights in Bangkok. Now that I understand the rules and how fights are scored my fighters fair better in international competition and my enjoyment of the fights has actually improved. I hope your enjoyment of fights will be enhanced a little by this article.
International competition
The article deals primarily with the rules and scoring of “A” or “open class” MuayThai fights using full rules, these rules are internationally established and generally the only rules used in all stadiums in Thailand. “B” class and “C” class fights in Great Britain can be fought under a wider variety of rules, depending on the association involved. For the purposes of this article, where there is a general consensus between organisations, these rules will be highlighted for “B” and “C” class fights. In MuayThai an important distinction exists between amateur and professional competition, this distinction often has little to do with the experience or status of the athletes involved, but more to do with the rules and protective equipment worn by participants. Amateur fights are normally fought over four, two minute rounds with fighters wearing headguards, elbow pads, body protectors and shin guards. Although most of rules used in amateur competition are the same as “A” class professional fights, there are differences in scoring. The term professional in this article refers to fighters competing without protection (other than gum shield and groin protector) and doesn’t refer to their experience or to the purse money fought for.
Fight Classifications
Professional fights in Britain (and across Europe and in a number of other countries across the world) are classified as “A”, “B” and “C” class. “A” class referring to open class fighters, “B” class referring to experienced fighters who have had reasonable fight experience and are technically and physically capable of competing over five, two minute rounds. “C” class fighters are less experienced fighters, relative novices, who are capable of fighting three rounds. Most of the rules that apply to “A” class fights apply to “B” and “C” class fights with a few exceptions. In most associations in Great Britain, “C” class “professional” fights are fought over three rounds of two minutes in duration with a minute break in between rounds and do not allow elbows or knees to be delivered to the head or face. “B” class fights are usually fought over five two minute rounds, again with one minute rest intervals. In some associations knees to head are allowed, in others they are not. Generally elbows to the head are not allowed in “B” class fights, although, on occasion, they are used with agreement of both boxers. In Britain even some “A” class fights are fought without allowing elbows to the head, although the use of elbows is becoming far more common. “A” class fights are held over five three minute rounds with two minutes rest between rounds (this is sometimes reduced to one and a half minutes in some associations).
Differences between associations
Do different associations in Britain have different scoring criteria? The answer to this question is yes; how close the scoring used reflects what is used in Thailand and internationally often depends on the MuayThai experience of the officials involved in the association. The rules and scoring discussed in this article will reflect those used in Thailand. The reason for this is not only because Thailand is the birth place of MuayThai and has far more MuayThai fights than any other country, but also because with the formation of the World Muaythai Council in 1995, Thailand has set the international standard for rules, which now most counties are tending to follow. Confusion can arise when kickboxing organisations that use rules similar to MuayThai but whose officials who have little experience of MuayThai; kickboxing is a legitimate but different sport to MuayThai, with different rules and a different scoring system. Further confusion over rules and scoring has occurred because of Britain’s strong links to Holland. Over the years the Netherlands have produced some tremendous fighters, with a number carving out very successful professional careers in Thailand. However, Dutch Thai boxing rules and regulations have been dominated by kickboxing bodies like the NKBB and by gyms like Thom Harinck’s famous Chakuriki gym that has a background in Knockdown Karate and kickboxing. This has resulted in the vast majority of fights in Holland being judged in a vastly different way to fights in Thailand. A clicker count system is often employed by judges in Holland, with judges counting the number of strikes each fighter delivers; this is vastly different than the scoring system employed in Thailand. Strong punching and low kicks tend to dominate Dutch MuayThai; less emphasis is given to the knee or body kicks (although there is some evidence this is changing), both primary scoring weapons in Thailand. In addition to differences in scoring, grabbing the ropes is a tactic regularly employed to escape clinchwork and hip throws are frequently employed; the use of both techniques in Thailand can result in disqualification. With a number of British fighters competing in Holland, and the wide availability of video tapes of top Dutch champions in action competing under Dutch rules, has had an influence on understanding and interpretation of rules.
What techniques score?
The simple answer is all effective MuayThai techniques. However, this needs some explanation. The technique needs to be a Muaythai technique and not a kick or strike from another form of martial art. To produce a good score the technique should have a visible effect on an opponent. If a technique strikes the opponent’s arms or shin, then generally the technique doesn’t score. However, there are exceptions. For example, if a kick makes contact with a fighter’s arm and physically moves the person being kicked or causes them to lose balance, solely due to the kick’s power, that kick would score; although not as highly as a kick that had the same effect but cleanly made contact with the body.
The most important or best scoring techniques in MuayThai are those that have the greatest effect on the opponent. In both amateur and professional competition it is not the number or variety of techniques delivered but their effectiveness that is important in determining the winner of a fight. Therefore, it is possible for one competitor to use one type of technique exclusively and win if the use of that technique results in that competitor delivering more, effective techniques than their opponent. For example one competitor may win by only kneeing their opponent.
The very best scoring techniques include:
There are a number of techniques that judges in Thailand consider to be the best scoring techniques. These are the primary techniques that win fights, they include:
Knocking an opponent to the floor with a concussive blow (if the referee gives an eight count, two points are initially be deducted from the counted boxer’s score card, if the boxer fights back strongly or has previously dominated the round, a one point difference may be awarded)
Unbalancing an opponent with kick or throwing action and immediately following with a strong striking technique
Knocking an opponent off their feet with a strike or kick
Throwing an opponent to the canvas using a legal throw
An attacking technique or combination that results in an opponent turning their back on the attacking boxer.
Although judges are looking for overall effectiveness and dominance, the successful delivery of any of these techniques, without a similar or equivalent response from an opponent, would result in a fighter winning that round. Maintaining physical and mental composure is the essential for a fighter if they are to win a fight. This is the reason fighters in Thailand place such emphasis on stance, footwork and balance.
Judges are looking to award the fight to the strongest fighter. They are looking for evidence of the effect of techniques, mental strength, physical condition and technical ability. If a fighter is forced by his opponent to show weakness, or any evidence of not wanting to fight, the judges will award the fight to their opponent.
Fighters will normally lose a round if they:
Turn their back on an opponent (In Thailand turning away from a fighter would result in a fighter losing the fight and not only the round)
Run or dance away rather than standing and fighting
Committing repeated fouls on their opponent
Use spoiling tactics or avoid fighting this includes, dropping to the floor when their leg is grabbed or in the clinch to avoid being countered and grabbing the ropes with intention of getting the referee to break the clinch.
Just because techniques make contact with a legitimate target doesn’t mean they will score.
Techniques don’t result in a point difference if:
They are weak and not delivered with force and on balance
They are immediately countered by an equally strong technique
They can be walked through by the opponent with little effect (e.g. an advancing boxer looking to attack, walking through a series of combination punches to deliver a strong kick would result in no score for the boxer delivering the punches)
Techniques that can result in a point difference include:
Techniques that cause a boxer to stop advancing and where that boxer doesn’t counter attack immediately
Techniques that cause a boxer to cover up and not attempt to fight back (e.g. a boxer covers their body with a cross arm guard to avoid getting kneed and takes repeated strong knees to the arms or covers up using an international guard without fighting back)
Although the rules suggest that all techniques have an equal chance to score, certain techniques are favoured by judges as being more effective than others. Judges generally consider:
strong body kicks and well timed teeps (pushing kicks) that cause a loss of balance to be more effective than leg kicks (unless the low kick knocks an opponent off their feet or causes them visible injury)
Strong knees as more effective than punches (unless the punch staggers or drops an opponent)
Straight knees to be more effective than circle knees
Elbow strikes as not being particularly effective, unless they cut, stagger or drop an opponent.
So a number of techniques are favoured over others by judges when scoring, and the techniques listed in the best scoring section are considered particularly important. Even if a fighter is fractionally behind in a round, and they deliver one of the techniques detailed in that section, they would clearly win that round. For example, if a fighter, slightly behind in round five of an otherwise equal fight, managed to throw their opponent off balance and follow with a strong knee, the technique would win the round and the fight for that fighter (unless the opponent countered later in the round with an equally good scoring technique)
It can be argued that the strict rules and regulations that now govern MuayThai can be traced back to the death of Jia Kaegkhmen at Lak Muang Arena in 1926. Jia died because no clear rules existed that allowed the referee to intervene when he clung to the ropes dying but refusing to give in 1. At that time international style boxing gloves were not the norm, fighters bound their hands with hemp rope (Kaad Chuek) and fought until one fighter gave up or was not able to continue. There were few rules; kicking, punching, kneeing, throwing, head butts, gouges and chokes were all freely used. Although Kaad Chuek fights continued after Jia’s death, the introduction of international boxing gloves and the removal of the more dangerous techniques began with that tragedy. With the adoption of international style boxing gloves and timed rounds, out went head-butts (still legal in Burmese boxing), chokes, gouges and bites. Since this time, often as a result of safety concerns, other techniques have been phased out. For example, when the legendary kneeing specialist Diesel Noi competed in the 1980s, it was legal to knee the groin area. The knee to the groin was in fact his most effective weapon winning many fights with this technique. It is no longer legal to for a boxer to knee their opponent’s testicles.
Fouls include:
Throwing an opponent using the hip, shoulder or leg (as used in Judo)
Wrestling, back or arm locks or any similar judo or wrestling hold
Using trips and sweeps; it is legal to kick an opponent off their feet. A kick is considered to be an action that uses the top of the foot and/or front of the shin. It is possible to hook the foot and kick as long as the top of the foot and/or shin, and not the side of the foot, make contact with the opponent’s leg.
Grabbing the lower back, forcing an opponent’s spine to hyperextend
Grabbing the ropes to kick, knee or punch an opponent
Deliberately using the ropes to defend or counter attack
Using the ropes as a weapon, for example pushing an opponent’s face across the ropes in an attempt to cut them
Attempting to ‘pile-drive’ an opponent’s head into the canvas
Catching an opponent’s kick and pushing an opponent for more than three steps without attempting to deliver an attacking technique
Not fighting; this includes a fighter turning their back on an opponent, running away and dancing backwards away from an opponent
Biting, eye gouging, spitting, or head butting.
Deliberately falling on an opponent.
Swearing or the use of abusive language during the match.
Knocking out or injuring an opponent after the referee has ordered the match to stop for any reason.
Deliberately striking the groin area (A boxer, who the referee considers to have been hit in the groin with force may request a 5 minute break before continuing the match. A boxer considered by the referee to be faking an injury from a groin kick would be asked to continue to fight and may receive a warning or a count)
Any aggressive act by the boxer or seconds against the referee
In amateur fights intentionally losing the mouth guard (gum shield)
How are fights actually scored?
Firstly it is important to note that the professional and amateur fights are scored differently; professional fights are scored using what is called a “ten point ‘must’ system” and amateur bouts are scored using a “twenty point ‘must’ system”. There are also more fundamental differences in the scoring used in the professional and amateur sports, so the article will first explore scoring in the professional ring and then note any differences in the amateur system.
Professional Fights
Wonchai, considered by many to be one of the best referees at Radjadamnern stadium, uses the analogy of a marathon race to explain the scoring in professional MuayThai. He explains that although one boxer may begin strongly and dominate early in the fight, it’s the finish that is important and a boxer behind early can be overtaken. Unlike amateur fights and international boxing or kickboxing, professional fights are judged as a whole and rounds don’t have equal emphasis, emphasis is given to a fighter finishing strongest over the last three rounds. Round one is generally scored 10:10 in a five round contest, although judges make a mental note of the boxer who edged the round for later reference. This is usually the case unless one boxer has very clearly dominated that round with a knockdown, eight-count or the use of a number of very good scoring techniques
The second round in a five round contest can also be scored 10:10, if it is deemed to be a close round, or if the boxer who was behind in round one wins by a small margin. Rounds three, four and five are the most important rounds in determining the fight’s result. Clear decisions are therefore made for these rounds. In indecisive rounds, or where the fight “swings” from one boxer to the next, the mental notes made in the first, or first and second rounds are used to help determine the outcome. Again, it is important to understand that the whole fight is judged to decide the outcome of a fight. If a fighter gets knocked down by a concussive blow or takes a count at any time during the fight, they will lose two points (10:8) on all judges score cards. If the knocked down fighter otherwise dominated the round or fought back strongly after the knock down they would only lose the round by one point (10:9).
The winner of the fight on an individual judge’s score card will be awarded the greatest number of points. It is usual practice in scoring professional contests in Thailand for a judge to avoid awarding a total score of 50 points for one boxer; the maximum score for a fight usually being 49 points (although it is possible for a fighter to score 50). This means where there is a very clear difference between fighters, the fight is usually scored 49:47 and fights that are closer are scored 49:48. It is usual for judges to make notes during a fight and complete the scoring for rounds after the fight has finished. This is not the case in championship bouts in Thailand where score cards are collected after each round.
Amateur Fights
Amateur bouts are competed over four two minute rounds. In amateur bouts, unlike scoring in professional fights, each round is scored equally and is equally important. It is possible for a fighter to win an amateur bout and lose the final two rounds; this is extremely unlikely to happen in a professional fight. Most rounds in amateur bouts are scored 20:19. Only one point is deducted for a knockdown and not two as in professional fights.
Professional A Knock-Out (K.O.) is awarded:
when the opponent is knocked down and unable to continue within the 10 second count
A Technical Knock-Out (T.K.O.) is awarded:
when a boxer is seriously hurt or weakened
when the referee stops the contest before 10 is counted due to the condition of the counted boxer
when a boxer cannot continue the match after the break.
on the doctor’s recommendation, when the referee is unsure whether a boxer can continue the match due to injury or being seriously weakened.
receiving a count three times in the same round and unable to continue the match
Winning due to the opponent’s retirement because of injury
Winning due to the opponent’s violation of the rules
Winning on points
No decision is awarded:
as a result of both parties colluding together to cheat or not fighting properly.
No contest is awarded: 
as a result of the ring being damaged and the match not being able to continue, or if an external event occurs during the fight, causing it to be stopped
Equal Score
when both boxers’ scores are equal
when both boxers receive a count of 10
In Amateur competition the terms detailed above are also used to record the outcome of amateur bouts with a few exceptions, these are:
Referee stops the contest (RSC) due to:
a boxer being “out-classed” or is losing by a very wide margin.
a boxer receiving an injury so that they are unable to continue. The site of the injury is detailed on the score card (head or body)
a boxer receiving their “count limit”; three standing eight counts in one round or four in the span of the bout.
a boxer is being severely punished and unable to defend themselves
A boxer wins by “withdrawal” when:
their opponent intentionally withdraws from the contest due to injury or other reason.
A boxer wins by “walk-over” when: 
their opponent doesn’t show for the contest.
A “draw” can be awarded in friendly competition or single elimination bouts but not in tournaments

Overall match decision
In professional fights the outcome of a match is determined by considering the majority of decisions given by the judges and not by adding the judges’ point totals together. This is the case even if the judges award a draw. Therefore, if two out of three judges’ award the fight to the blue corner, the blue corner would be awarded the match; if two out of three judges award the match a draw, a draw would be declared. Amateur matches are also determined by the majority decision of judges. However, in international competition a jury panel, made up of a number of senior officials, make the final decision after examining the judges score cards.
Some common mistakes made when judging Muay Thai bouts, and how to avoid them
If you have to judge a fight yourself, it is worth being aware of the following common mistakes. Being aware of these mistakes can help you avoid making them.
Mistake 1: Your decision is influenced by the shouts, cheers and comments of others.
It is easy to allow the crowd’s cheers or a corner-man’s praise to influence to your decision on whether a technique landed on target or not.
Example: A good kick is delivered and then you hear the cheers of the crowd and the congratulations from the corner. You presume the kick to has landed on target when it actually missed
How to avoid this mistake:
  • Totally ignore the sounds at ringside and focus on looking carefully at each technique.
Mistake 2: Presuming a technique scored, but not actually seeing it land.
Marking a technique you saw being delivered and what seemed like an effect but which you didn’t actually see land.
Example: A boxer has his back towards you when his opponent grabs his neck and delivers a series of knee techniques. Although you can’t actually see the knees land the body of the boxer being attacked moves back as if it had taken a strong impact. You see what looks like an effect on the boxer being attacked; however, the fighter was merely pulling his body back to allow the knee to miss its intended target.
How to avoid this mistake:
  • Only score techniques which you actually see land. If you are sitting at the wrong angle to see a technique actually land on target, don’t presume it landed. Remember if it was a good scoring technique the other judges who are sitting at a different position will score it.
Mistake 3: Being influenced by spectacular techniques
Scoring a technique because it was spectacular but without really assessing it’s effect.
Example: A boxer performs a jumping round kick and makes some contact with the opponent’s face. You consider the technique to be a good because of the level of difficulty in delivering such a technique, when really the technique had no effect on the boxer being kicked as only the toes made weak contact.
How to avoid this mistake:
  • Focus on how effective a technique is and not just on the technical quality or difficulty of delivery.
Mistake 4: Scoring a round based on the action which occurs in only at the beginning or end of that round.
Human memory is such that we tend to remember the first thing that happens (primacy effect) and the last thing that happens (recency effect). Humans also have a tendency to remember things which are out of the ordinary, among other things. It is therefore easy for high action which happens for a short period at the beginning or end of the round to influence scoring.
How to avoid this mistake:
  • Keep an ongoing mental record of the actual scoring as the round progresses.

So to sum up, scoring in MuayThai is different to kickboxing and international (western) boxing. It is effect of techniques and not the volume of techniques that are important in determining the winner of a fight. A number of techniques are considered by judges to be more effective than others; unbalancing an opponent and following up with a strong technique, knocking down or throwing an opponent onto the floor, hitting with clean hard kicks or knees to the body. In professional fights, the fights are judged as a whole and it is important that a boxer finishes strongly; the later rounds (3, 4 and 5) are the most important. In amateur fights each round is scored equally but judges are still looking for the dominant and most effective fighter. If you have to judge a fight yourself you need to be very familiar with the rules of MuayThai, have an understanding what good MuayThai techniques look like, look objectively at what happens in the fight and not be influenced by the crowd. World Muay Thai Organisation (WMTO) and the British Thai Boxing Council (BTBC).
A final point, fighters train very hard for fights putting in many hours of training, they deserve to be judged by individuals who also train to judge MuayThai. There are judging courses available both nationally and internationally. Internationally the World Muaythai Council (WMC) and the International Federation of MuayThai Amateur (IFMA) offer courses in Thailand on judging. Nationally some associations also offer courses; the British Association of MuayThai officials (BAMTO), the United Kingdom MuayThai Federation (UKMF), Scottish MuayThai Federation, The World Muay Thai Organisation (WMTO) and the British Thai Boxing Council (BTBC).
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Saturday 19 October 2013

Teacher Respect / Etiquette

An art is best learnt in its culture. One remarkable difference between the culture of the east and the west is the respect shown to a teacher. In this connection some students of Muay Thai have little or no idea of what constitutes respect and generally show lack of respect, sometimes utter disrespect, shown to them. (See my blog on respect)

Often it is because of the western students' ignorance of eastern ways rather than their willful discourtesy. The following are some simple and helpful points both eastern and western students may follow to show the respect deservedly due to their teachers no matter what art you are learning.

Addressing the Teacher Correctly

First of all you must know how to address your teacher correctly, something which many western students are ignorant of. Never, never, never call your Kru Muay by his name, especially if he comes from a eastern culture. In some western societies it may be considered personal and desirable to call your senior or even your boss by his first name, but in the east it is considered extremely rude.

It is worthwhile to remember that your teacher is not your peer or equal. Your teacher is at least one, but usually many levels above you, otherwise he cannot and should not be your teacher. The proper way to address your Muay Thai instructor is Kru (teacher) pronounced "Khru" and this should proceed a bow (Wai) - other arts demand addressing a senior by title or if unknown "Sensei"

Actually if a teacher answers you when you call him "Kru", you are honoured that he thinks so much of you to warren this time; it shows he accepts you as a student. In Thai culture a senior may not return a bow especially if you are inferior, however it's common practice to return the a bow. (Like returning a "hello" when meeting someone for first time)

Showing Propriety

Besides showing propriety in your address, you should also show propriety in your behavior. Do not, for example, put your hand around your teacher him, don't pat him on his shoulder, or hug him - leave that to his wife, which following eastern social etiquette is also only done in private.

When you stand or sit in front of or near him, hold yourself upright. You need not stand at attention like a private in front of his sergeant major, but you should not stand sloppily, with arms akimbo or hands in your pockets. When you sit do not cross your legs with a foot pointing at him, showing the soles of your feet is considered very disrespectful which is why we kneel.

It is only sensible that you should listen when your master speaks, especially if he is explaining some points to aid your development in the art.

Entering and leaving a class

It is also bad manners to arrive at your class late, In the past in the east, late students would be asked to go home, or to leave permanently if they were late habitually. The logic is simple: the teacher has something invaluable to offer; if you come late you tacitly show that you do not value his teaching. But if there is a valid reason for your being late, you should first greet him from the door, walk quietly but briskly to him, respectfully wait if he is pre-occupied, then explain your reason and apologise. Giving prior notice of pending delays is also essential.

On the other hand, you should wait patiently if the master is late -- even for hours! If you think this is unfair, you are probably not ready for learning great martial arts. There are stories of great masters who purposely arrived late, not for hours but for days, and then passed on their secrets to the few wise, patient students that remain. Although it seldom happens nowadays, it will reflect a splendid grasp of Thai culture if you and your classmates stop whatever you are doing, stand up respectfully, bow and greet your teacher as he comes in.

Do not leave your class half-way. But if you have to leave early for some reason, explain that to your teacher before-hand and politely ask his permission. At the appointed time, ask his permission again, then bow and thank him before leaving. At the end of a class, the students should leave after the teacher not before he does. However, if the teacher stays back for a considerable length of time, such as explaining some points to some students who stay behind to ask him, other students may leave first, after bowing to the teacher.

In the east, it is customary for the teacher to arrive last and leave first. Interestingly, it is often the reverse in the west. The teacher, western in culture if not in race, often arrives the earliest, sweeps the floor and prepares the gym and cleans the toilets all for the students, who will joke and laugh. At the end of the class, the teacher will stand at the door, shake the students' hands and thank them for their attendance. He will then throw away the garbage his students have left behind if he still has energy left, and check that everyone has gone home before he closes the door.


Offering a cup of tea

In eastern culture it is always the students who offer drinks to the teacher. When you offer your teacher a cup of tea for example, it is preferable to do so with two hands. In eastern societies, accepting a cup of tea and drinking it has deeper significance than merely quenching thirst.

In the past, even if someone had done you great wrong, if he or she offered you a cup of tea, usually while kneeling down and then knocking his or her head on the ground, and you, sitting down in front of other witnesses, accepted and drank it, it meant that you accepted his or her apology, were ready to forgive all the wrong, and would not take any action whatsoever in future.

The students should also offer a seat to the teacher and the seat chosen is usually the best one available. If the teacher is not seated, the students should remain standing, unless the teacher asks them to sit down. If they dine together, the students would wait until the teacher has made his first move to eat or drink.


Don't be Insulting

When your teacher is explaining or demonstrating something to you, listen attentively and respectfully. Do not bluntly say you already know what he is teaching, even if you really know, doing so is not being straight-forward, it is being insulting -- you are implying that the teacher does not know what he is doing.

I recall some occasions when my teachers taught me something that I already had learnt quite well. Thanks to my training in eastern culture, I followed their instructions faithfully although they appeared very simple and below my level then. Only much later did I get it - it was a test - that had I not follow these apparently simple instructions I would not have acquired the necessary advancement.

Do not ever make the fatal mistake of telling a teacher what or how to teach you. This is not only unbecoming, it is also very foolish, for you will be denying yourself the very purpose why you need him. If he is a Kru Muay, he knows best what and how to help you attain your best results; he is able to see your needs and development in ways far beyond your limited perspective.

Constant interruptions delay your learning, talking at the same time as your teacher is forbidden and likewise shows that you don't value his knowledge.


For the Students' Interest

Some westerners may find the above-described Kru-student relationship odd, just as those accustomed to eastern culture would find the behavior of some western students unbelievable. It may be more surprising, especially for those who think they are doing the Kru Muay a favor by paying him a fee to learn, to know that all these customs of respect for the teacher are actually for the students', not the teachers, interest.

Someone who is not qualified (there are many) will probably care more for your fees than your respect, but a Kru Muay (of which there are few) whose art gives you good health, vitality, mental freshness and spiritual joy actually does not care whether you respect him more or your dog. But those students who have experienced the wonderful benefits of genuine martial arts will understand that the respect given to the Teacher is not only a sincere token of appreciation for sharing his art, but also constitutes an ideal psychological state for the training to take place.

"The student doesn't listen, he interrupts class and talks over his Kru" his journey gets longer with every count..