Saturday 19 October 2013

Teacher Respect / Etiquette

An art is best learnt in its culture. One remarkable difference between the culture of the east and the west is the respect shown to a teacher. In this connection some students of Muay Thai have little or no idea of what constitutes respect and generally show lack of respect, sometimes utter disrespect, shown to them. (See my blog on respect)

Often it is because of the western students' ignorance of eastern ways rather than their willful discourtesy. The following are some simple and helpful points both eastern and western students may follow to show the respect deservedly due to their teachers no matter what art you are learning.

Addressing the Teacher Correctly

First of all you must know how to address your teacher correctly, something which many western students are ignorant of. Never, never, never call your Kru Muay by his name, especially if he comes from a eastern culture. In some western societies it may be considered personal and desirable to call your senior or even your boss by his first name, but in the east it is considered extremely rude.

It is worthwhile to remember that your teacher is not your peer or equal. Your teacher is at least one, but usually many levels above you, otherwise he cannot and should not be your teacher. The proper way to address your Muay Thai instructor is Kru (teacher) pronounced "Khru" and this should proceed a bow (Wai) - other arts demand addressing a senior by title or if unknown "Sensei"

Actually if a teacher answers you when you call him "Kru", you are honoured that he thinks so much of you to warren this time; it shows he accepts you as a student. In Thai culture a senior may not return a bow especially if you are inferior, however it's common practice to return the a bow. (Like returning a "hello" when meeting someone for first time)

Showing Propriety

Besides showing propriety in your address, you should also show propriety in your behavior. Do not, for example, put your hand around your teacher him, don't pat him on his shoulder, or hug him - leave that to his wife, which following eastern social etiquette is also only done in private.

When you stand or sit in front of or near him, hold yourself upright. You need not stand at attention like a private in front of his sergeant major, but you should not stand sloppily, with arms akimbo or hands in your pockets. When you sit do not cross your legs with a foot pointing at him, showing the soles of your feet is considered very disrespectful which is why we kneel.

It is only sensible that you should listen when your master speaks, especially if he is explaining some points to aid your development in the art.

Entering and leaving a class

It is also bad manners to arrive at your class late, In the past in the east, late students would be asked to go home, or to leave permanently if they were late habitually. The logic is simple: the teacher has something invaluable to offer; if you come late you tacitly show that you do not value his teaching. But if there is a valid reason for your being late, you should first greet him from the door, walk quietly but briskly to him, respectfully wait if he is pre-occupied, then explain your reason and apologise. Giving prior notice of pending delays is also essential.

On the other hand, you should wait patiently if the master is late -- even for hours! If you think this is unfair, you are probably not ready for learning great martial arts. There are stories of great masters who purposely arrived late, not for hours but for days, and then passed on their secrets to the few wise, patient students that remain. Although it seldom happens nowadays, it will reflect a splendid grasp of Thai culture if you and your classmates stop whatever you are doing, stand up respectfully, bow and greet your teacher as he comes in.

Do not leave your class half-way. But if you have to leave early for some reason, explain that to your teacher before-hand and politely ask his permission. At the appointed time, ask his permission again, then bow and thank him before leaving. At the end of a class, the students should leave after the teacher not before he does. However, if the teacher stays back for a considerable length of time, such as explaining some points to some students who stay behind to ask him, other students may leave first, after bowing to the teacher.

In the east, it is customary for the teacher to arrive last and leave first. Interestingly, it is often the reverse in the west. The teacher, western in culture if not in race, often arrives the earliest, sweeps the floor and prepares the gym and cleans the toilets all for the students, who will joke and laugh. At the end of the class, the teacher will stand at the door, shake the students' hands and thank them for their attendance. He will then throw away the garbage his students have left behind if he still has energy left, and check that everyone has gone home before he closes the door.


Offering a cup of tea

In eastern culture it is always the students who offer drinks to the teacher. When you offer your teacher a cup of tea for example, it is preferable to do so with two hands. In eastern societies, accepting a cup of tea and drinking it has deeper significance than merely quenching thirst.

In the past, even if someone had done you great wrong, if he or she offered you a cup of tea, usually while kneeling down and then knocking his or her head on the ground, and you, sitting down in front of other witnesses, accepted and drank it, it meant that you accepted his or her apology, were ready to forgive all the wrong, and would not take any action whatsoever in future.

The students should also offer a seat to the teacher and the seat chosen is usually the best one available. If the teacher is not seated, the students should remain standing, unless the teacher asks them to sit down. If they dine together, the students would wait until the teacher has made his first move to eat or drink.


Don't be Insulting

When your teacher is explaining or demonstrating something to you, listen attentively and respectfully. Do not bluntly say you already know what he is teaching, even if you really know, doing so is not being straight-forward, it is being insulting -- you are implying that the teacher does not know what he is doing.

I recall some occasions when my teachers taught me something that I already had learnt quite well. Thanks to my training in eastern culture, I followed their instructions faithfully although they appeared very simple and below my level then. Only much later did I get it - it was a test - that had I not follow these apparently simple instructions I would not have acquired the necessary advancement.

Do not ever make the fatal mistake of telling a teacher what or how to teach you. This is not only unbecoming, it is also very foolish, for you will be denying yourself the very purpose why you need him. If he is a Kru Muay, he knows best what and how to help you attain your best results; he is able to see your needs and development in ways far beyond your limited perspective.

Constant interruptions delay your learning, talking at the same time as your teacher is forbidden and likewise shows that you don't value his knowledge.


For the Students' Interest

Some westerners may find the above-described Kru-student relationship odd, just as those accustomed to eastern culture would find the behavior of some western students unbelievable. It may be more surprising, especially for those who think they are doing the Kru Muay a favor by paying him a fee to learn, to know that all these customs of respect for the teacher are actually for the students', not the teachers, interest.

Someone who is not qualified (there are many) will probably care more for your fees than your respect, but a Kru Muay (of which there are few) whose art gives you good health, vitality, mental freshness and spiritual joy actually does not care whether you respect him more or your dog. But those students who have experienced the wonderful benefits of genuine martial arts will understand that the respect given to the Teacher is not only a sincere token of appreciation for sharing his art, but also constitutes an ideal psychological state for the training to take place.

"The student doesn't listen, he interrupts class and talks over his Kru" his journey gets longer with every count..

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