Saturday 30 November 2013

The Nerve Of Other Clubs!!

This week we've welcomed more people from other gyms into our fold, the stories they are telling about their old club are shocking!

The club in particular isn't in direct competition and offers a different art. I've never met the instructor and out of respect for him and his students I will never mention him or his club, I know he is successful in his Art and in Business. 

This said It does make you think, how can this person be successful? Why do his students pay more than double what we charge each month? And this in return for only two 45mins classes per week? Why do they pay £200 per year insurance for a family of five? Why do they buy all the uniform upfront? Why don't they realise that being forced to purchase "sparring kit" to take a grading is wrong? And worse still you have to buy from the instructor only!!

Maybe people see the club like the "taste the difference" range at Sainsburys the higher prices the better quality? better tuition? More professional instructors? Well folks a carrot you dress up in fancy packaging is still a carrot! 

Telling your students that they are the worst students in the whole club isn't very proffesional? 10 people in the class's isn't a good sign of quality! Forcing students into competition isn't good for moral,  and over £100 per month on top of membership, joining fees and uniform isn't very good value for money!! 

Look at what you paid for equipment in comparison to sites like - who's having the last laugh? Oh yeah the instructor who walks off half way through your class, turns up late and leaves you to lock up on your own!!!

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