Saturday 17 January 2015

Workout Recovery

This Article has been taken from 

Are you sick of being tired and sore at the start of training? 
Confused about what to eat or drink for recovery? 
You’re not alone.
Training soreness happens to EVERYONE. Especially when first starting out or returning to training after a break. Most people who train 2-3 times per week just put up with it. Being sore feels like a part of getting stronger, fitter and faster. It’s a reminder they worked hard and their soreness proves it. 
However for people training 5-6 days per week, being sore ain’t no picnic. For them, being sore and tired prevents them from training harder than yesterday. Worst case scenario, athletes who train through muscle soreness are likely to get injured, a beat up immune system, or suffer over training syndrome. To minimize muscle soreness for my professional athletes, I developed a recovery nutrition plan.
Below are the 4 very important strategies for the ultimate recovery plan:

The Workout Drink

Did you know that your recovery begins while you’re still training? Well by consuming an amino acid/carbohydrate and electrolyte drink during training you can give the body what it needs recover fast.
  • It will help repair muscles and restore muscle glycogen.
  • It increases the use of fat during training
  • It helps you push harder and longer
  • You can prevent immune stress and over training syndrome

To make your workout nutrition add:
  • 1 scoop of amino/carb supplement to 1.5ltr water
  • 1 pinch of Himalayan salt
  • Drink 250ml every 15 minutes training.

The Post Workout Shake

For someone training multiple sessions per day, nutrient timing couldn’t be more important. Right after training is the body’s happy hour for nutrient absorption. But for most people eating a meal immediately after training is the last thing they feel like doing. This is why a protein/carbohydrate post workout shake is most athletes preferred choice.
  • Post workout shakes are convenient
  • They are easily absorbed by the body
  • They reduce post exercise immune compromise
  • They enhance muscle protein synthesis
  • They improve recovery and reduce muscle soreness
  • They enhance carbohydrate uptake and glycogen synthesis

To make the post workout shake add:
  • 1 scoop protein (whey, casein, plant based, egg white)
  • 1 cup carbohydrates (mixed berries, mango, pineapple, banana, oats)
  • 1 tbsp. fats (coconut oil, peanut butter, flax oil, hemp oil, fish oil)
  • 1 cup of liquid (almond milk, cow’s milk, water, coconut milk)
Recommended post workout shake recipes:Rawkus BananaMango Punch

The Post Workout Meal

The post-exercise meal is often considered the most critical part of recovery. The primary goal of traditional post-workout nutrition recommendations is to replenish glycogen stores (carbohydrates). Remembering if you’re training again in the morning, your post workout nutrition is your pre-workout for the following morning. However the 2 main nutrients your body depends heavily on in order to recover and repair are both protein andcarbohydrates.

To make a post workout meal add:
  • 30-50g Protein (Beef, chicken, fish or plant based)
  • 100g carbohydrates (Rice, potato, fruit)
  • 15g fats (nuts, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado)
Recommended post workout meal recipes: Quinoa ChickenProat-meal 

The Pre-Bed Time Meal (Optional)

That’s right, pre bed time nutrition. Research demonstrates that protein ingested immediately before sleep is effectively digested and absorbed, thereby stimulating muscle protein synthesis and improving whole-body protein balance during post training overnight recovery. Your pre bed meal could be a small meal or liquid nutrition – whatever is most convenient for you.

To make a bed time meal add:
  • 25g Protein (2 eggs or 1 scoop protein)
  • 15g fats (nuts, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado)
  • 200ml water or milk
Recommended bed time meal: Coming soon.

Summing It All Up

  1. During training – drink an amino acid/carbohydrate drink
  2. Immediately after training – Drink a post workout shake with fast absorbing proteins and carbs
  3. 1-2 hours after training – Eat a high protein carb dense meal
  4. Before bed time – Have a high protein high fat meal or shake

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