Saturday 17 January 2015

Muay Thai Tattoos

sak tant muay thai tattoos
I hate crap tattoos, there is nothing worse than crap tattoos!! there is nothing worse than getting a tattoo when you are young and watching it fade as you grow old, there is nothing worse than tattoos of peoples names.. There is nothing worse than Japanese writing, my friend speaks Japanese and the stories he tells are hilarious..

If your thinking of getting marked why not make it a Muay Thai Tattoo?

Muay Thai Tattoos called (Sak Yant) are traditionally done by buddhist monks with needles made from bamboo, they are traditional and hold meaning. They are even thought to give you protection in the ring & banish evil spirits - nearly all of them are thought to make you stronger - probably something to do with the bamboo needles being slowly pressed into your skin! If you not that bothered about the spiritual connection I suppose you could get your tattooist to use his normal method.

Apart from spelling things wrong, or cutting cost one of my pet hates would be seeing someone with the same tattoo.. however you will be in famous circles if you choose one of these designs.. the average joe from your local council estate is unlikely to be sporting the same design.

Hah Taew (5 Sacred Lines)
This is a very popular tattoo with fighters and practitioner of Muay Thai, each line carries a different meaning and would be discussed with the monk prior to commencement. It's said that the lines will help the fighter succeed in all aspects of life, bestow them in loving kindness, good luck and most importantly for Thais - protection for evil spirits, especially when fighting.

hanuman muay thai tattoo sak yant meanings designs

Hanuman (King of the Monkey Gods)
You see this tattoo everywhere (amongst the fighting community that is) Hanuman is depicted in historical plays and this tattoo can bestow the same traits of bravery and courage. Hanuman is also features in Hindu text and is worshiped all over the world, he is a symbol of strength, perseverance and devotion.


Gao Yord (9 Spires)
This tattoo is usually on the neck or smalls of your back, its represents the 9 sacred peaks of Mt. Meru that features in buddhist text. This art is said to give you good luck in life and again protection from evil spirits.

muay thai tiger tattoo designs meaning sak yant

Tiger Yant (Tiger Tattoo)
In Western culture the Tiger represents strength, power, cunning. Its fearless and ferocious in battle and clinical in the despatching of its pray. These traits are passed onto the bearer of this tattoo - oh it also drives evil spirits away.

ganesh hindu elephant god sak yant muay thai tattoo

Ganesh (The Elephant God)
Again taken from Hindu Scribes, he is a human with an elephants head, mythology says he had the ability to remove obstacles, he also represent a new beginning or chapter in life.

There are many other tattoos from the east that you may like to research, I found these design and explanations at

muay thai sak yant tattoos designs and meanings

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