Monday 13 October 2014

Getting back into training

Thinking of returning to the gym? Been away for some time? 

One of the hardest things to do is to get back in to it, your goals seem so far away at this stage, But your determined, you've told everyone on social media that your doing it and bought some new equipment that will help - right? 
Most people fail because they try to train at the same intensity as they used to before having a break, you push yourself like you were 18 again, you know the pain is coming, your exciting and pleased after your effort but this time its crippling and a complete turnoff.

Everyone at every level can feel an element of pain the next morning, its a reward for doing well, but because you've pushed to hard on this return its broken you and as a reward your already giving yourself a reward of a day off, excuses start formulating and you start thinking of why you shouldn't return to the gym.

Instead of the negatives you have to remember that you haven't trained for ages, your body needs a little time to re-adjust to your new lifestyle change it'll take several weeks of perseverance to notice a difference but it WILL be worth it.

You also need to factor in the potential for injury, training like you left off is only going to promote stress on your body and your more likely to break yourself. Just remember you will adjust again, you will form a new routine that your body will get used to and this happens very fast.

I've always said that you should go at your own pace and not complete or compare yourself with anyone else in the gym, if you can't do 20 sit-ups do 10, next time aim for 15 and so on. If you need to stop there will be no finger pointing or banter directed towards you.
Remember you may still ache for a few days but it won't be crippling, each week just add a little more to your training, give yourself intermediate goals - don't focus on losing 7 stone / fighting A' Class etc, think 1 stone, one inter club and then re-evaluate your goals.

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