Sunday 17 August 2014

Grading Arm Bands - What do the colours mean?

Yellow - 2nd Khan
Yellow symbolises sunlight, a new strength and the beginning of new life. This represents the student's progress as he receives knowledge from his instructor and become stronger and more skilled. Think of the yellow sunlight feeding the seed.
Green - 3rd Khan
As a martial arts student improves, The green khan represents the growth of a seed that sprouts upward, becoming a plant. Like the sprout, the student is becoming something greater.
Blue - 4th Khan
A blue khan represents the sky and signifies continued growth. A student moves upward in his development, just as a plant reaches up into the blue sky as it grows.

Blue / White - 5th Khan
The Blue & White khan recognises the relationship between the sky and the clouds without which there would be no water to feed the plant. Think of the relationship between student and beginners without which the club doesn't continue.
Brown - 6th Khan
Brown represents maturity. Like seeds that turn brown in the harvest season, the student has matured into something new at this stage in his development. The student will begin to see the benefits of his work, like a farmer reaping his crop at harvest.

Brown / White 7th Khan
Represents the seeds that fell from the harvested plant continuing the cycle of life. The students start to pass on knowledge to the next generation.

Brown / Yellow - 8th Khan
Brown / Yellow signifies that with the help of the mature plant the new seeds germinate and start to progress towards the sun. In the gym the next generation is being passed on knowledge to help with progression.

Brown / Green - 9th Khan
The cycle is almost complete, the new seeds are sprouting and growing strong as they continue upwards. The students knowledge is feeding the next generation of students and the camp is becoming strong.
Red - 10th Khan
Red is another representation of the sun - this time representing a close, hot sun. This proximity to the sun represents the student's detailed knowledge. 10th Khan is often associated with being equivalent to a black belt - Black, which is a mourning colour is worn at funerals and is a colour associated with death and grieving is not used in Muay Thai grading syllabuses, its taboo to wear a black except during the funeral.

According to the colour red - If you were born on a Sunday (Red Colour) your Character is thought to be respectable, wise and beloved by both friends and relatives, the idea job would be a doctor, police officer or other position of authority. - Quite fitting as our 10th Khan recognises successful participants as Kru Muay (Teacher of Thai Boxing)

Red / White 11th Khan
Symbolises the cycle continuing.

I like this concept of the grading colours, I'm not sure where the story came from but it works for our club and syllabus.

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