Friday 7 November 2014

Whats the point of doing a Martial Art if you don't fight..

I recall having a conversation at a seminar a few years go. I was talking to a renown Martial Arts instructor from a Japanese background who has seen and done pretty much everything possible.

Those who know me know I don't tolerate idiots but in this situation I was cornered, my escape route was partially blocked and I didn't want to appear rude or disrespectful.

Anyway shortly after he was describing when he landed on the moon, the topic changed to Muay Thai, he obviously had competed in Thailand and won hundreds of bouts...

"Whats the point of Muay Thai" he went on to ask.. It doesn't work in "Real" situations - bang there goes another pet hate - "REAL" - ok at this point and I remind you that were surrounded by Martial Artists who have been in the game for years including Muay Thai Champions and very accomplished fighters. I found him very insulting and I wanted to push him more.

I asked him to elaborate and gave him a spade to continue digging, being a 4th Dan in his chosen field he was trying to make an uneducated comparison between arts - his being the best for self defence because it was used on the battlefield.. A few smug looking spectators looked on (Muay Thai Derived from the battlefield and some scholars believe its older in its original form that many Japanese arts)

Now at this stage it was pretty obvious that this idiot had never competed, and his knowledge was limited -  if he knew Muay Thai he would know it's very effective in "real" situations - the combination of using Elbows and Knees in a close quarter situation is very hard to beat - this is without taking into consideration the power and effectivness of the kicks and punches.

He went on to declare that if you are not fighting there is no point in learning a fighting art - I asked him if he competed in his art - "No, they would never allow it", "we break bones not score points" he went on to add. By this time I could see one of my fighters tensing up and clenching his fists and I thought it was best to drop the subject before my fighter got hurt lol - I knew deep down that there would be no shortage of partners on the tatami (mats) later in the seminar.

So what is the point of doing a Martial Art? For the idiots out there the benefits are endless. Practitioners gain fitness, confidence, new skills, greater visual awareness - the arts keep you focused, challenges you, pushes you beyond your limits. All arts teach you discipline, honour, loyalty and respect.

There is also the social side of Martial Arts, I personally travel all over the world, our club have plenty of social activities, events and shows not to mention parties. Students often meet up at the weekend and become good friends.

Then you have the benefits of more confidence like, less bullying, less chance of becoming a victim.. as well as the benefits of improved health like weight loss, toning and improved fitness.

So is that enough points for you?

I saw him again at the party on the evening, he was sporting a rather nice bruise on his thigh and was dragging his leg behind him with an awesome limp - I never asked which of my student practiced some low kicks with him....